The preservation of western cultural and the American Cowboy. Sharing the history of the early trail drives, the Chuck Wagon and those who pioneered untamed land. The content is for educational and entertainment purposes. Cowboys and Chuck Wagon Cooking reviews cooking techniques, products and western gear which today is part of western life style. We hope you will enjoy your visit and look forward to comments, recipes and shared heritage. Thank you for your visit. Hope you follow us along the trail of news, stories and the Cowboy way.
United States Copyright 2009 - 2021 under title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Code.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sancocho de Cola De Res (Ox Tail Stew)

Sancocho de Cola De Res  (Ox Tail Stew)
Blanca Valbuena can appreciated this hearty staple.  It's a dish she grew up with as she watched her mother and grandmother both cook the savory fare.  "Ox tail is one of my favorite cuts of beef," states Blanca.  "There is nothing more delicious than sucking on the bones and getting as much flavor as possible from the connective tissue. The best part is the itty bitty ends.  They hold the most flavor and the most fun to eat. The secret to Ox Tail Stew is adding calabaza 'pumpkin.'  It works to thicken and flavor the soup."  

The family recipe, handed down from generation to generation, was passed by her grandmother too her mother, her aunts, then taught to her which holds a Latin flare that enhances the taste.  Blanca said,  "My mom is an amazing cook. She does not delve into fancy dishes often.  Most of the time, she makes stews and soups that were the unwritten recipes pass on to her by my grandmother.  Using only her memory, it is so imperative that I write everything down as she cooks.  There are no quantities and she does everything instinctively and quite fun to watch."

Blanca,  born in historic Ubate, Colombia is located north of the capitol city Bogota, founded in 1592.  Ubate takes its name from the word "Ebate," meaning Bloodied land  by the once populated Chibcha tribe that lived in the area.  Today, the town is known as the "Dairy Capital of Colombia" and for their historic Cathedrals and the San Luis Convent.  

Moving to the United States, Blanca was raised in New York, coming to America in 1987 as a child with her family.  After a separation of her parents, she would be raised by her mother and grandmother were the two women influenced her to enjoy food and Latin cuisine. "When I was little girl, there were no restaurant meals. Every day abuelita, Spanish for grandma - Nelly would wake up to make breakfast for my mom and I.  As I would come home for lunch, it was a banquet.  Soup, a plate of rice with some sort of protein, vegetables and homemade juices. Dinner was also a feast.  While food was very abundant, it was always very modest food made with love," states Blanca.  "I still remember shucking peas, the grinding beef with a hand grinder with the family on weekends. Cooking was just a part of life and not an afterthought."

Today, Blanca is the Editor in Chief at  "Friends Eat." An internet web site devoted to food, home based in New York City.  Highly ranked with Alexa, the web site ranks in the top 100,000 global traffic reports as the site covers everything from the best places too eat,  top restaurant reviews, coupons, gourmet recipes and stories covering nearly every imaginable food topic. 

Graduating from Rutgers University majoring in Art History,  she enjoys taking in a museum of fine arts on weekends. As a huge art enthusiast, she also occasionally paints as a hobby averring it is not as often as she desires.  

She confesses, her two favorite foods; "I absolutely adore eating sushi. Although there are only a few places I will eat it. It makes me sad that there's so much sub par Sushi being served all over the place.  Especially with the sustainability issues we are facing.   My second favorite food; Macaroni and Cheese. Funny,  as much as my mom and grandma influenced my cooking, the two dishes I love most they never made," states Blanca. 

While Blanca enjoys humble foods, she also enjoys fine dinning. Her favorite of all cooks is Chef Thomas Keller who owns several renown restaurants.  "Everyone should eat at the Per Se, at least once in their life time," said Blanca about Chef Keller's New York City restaurant located in the Time Warner Center.  Chef Keller also owns the landmark Napa Valley restaurant, The French Laundry in Yountville, California, which has won multiple awards from the James Beard Foundation as well a perennial winner in the annual Restaurant Magazine list of the Top 50 Restaurants of the World.

Along with art, Blanca states she has an obsession with 'A Song of Ice and Fire' the ongoing epic fantasy novel series by American novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin.   Blanca commented, "I find myself scouring Reddit to get more info on the book as I anxiously await its release."  

The web site Friend's Eat was created by sheer accident.  Antonio Evans who is Blanca's life and business partner had together, attended a highly rated basque restaurant.  The couple, expecting to have the night of their life, experience a horrible dinner where the two decided the need for a platform to share her strife with those who would appreciate her knowledge of quality dinning and excellent food.  

Founding the web site in 2006, Antonio and Blanca has developed a community that is comprised of chefs, restaurateurs, food bloggers, and foodies throughout the world.    While Blanca does not describe herself as a foodie as much as someone who just appreciates the joy and love for great food,  devotes many articles along with her staff that approach health concerns about modern food industry practices.  "I think there is a lot of the health issues that are related to food and some of our stories are driven by the lack of quality information. If I know that someone has read our blogs, picked up a small bit of knowledge that in turn makes their kids healthier, I then consider myself happy." 

While Blanca does not get to visit with her relatives in Colombia as often as she would like, she states, "It just makes me cherish them even more.  The wholesome dishes are forever a reminder of heritage and the love passed on generation to generation."   Today,  Blanca Valbuena keeps her home in New York with Antonio, her mother and their dog Petey.  

 "Sancocho de Cola" Ox tail Stew

Cooks who hired on the various outfits during the cattle drives came from many different ethnic backgrounds. Their cultural heritage influenced the cooking styles used working the chuckwagon with ingredients on hand, their culinary knowledge and the available time to prepare meals.  Creations often simple were given unique names like Son of a Gun Stew, Cornmeal Mush or  Black Pudding.  Sancocho de Cola De Res, a Spanish influenced stew was made by cooks of other heritage called niú-wěi-tāng to the hand full of Chinese cooks that work the trail drives. The Gringo's just called the dish, Ox Tail Soup that would later become so popular, the Campbell Soup Company founded in 1866 would eventually carry the product. Although today, it has been discontinued by Campbell's in the United States, the Heinz company continues to sell this canned entree in the United Kingdom.  

The secret to a great Ox Tail Stew is adding calabaza 'pumpkin.' states Blanca Valbuena, Editor and Chief of  "It works to thicken and flavor the soup.  Colombians use pretty much every part of the cow. When you go to the galleria (the farmer’s market) you will find all the yummy parts that are unusual to people in the United States: Brain, Eyeballs, Tripe, Tongue and Ox Tail to name a few.  I think ox tail is a nice way to introduce people to more unusual parts. It is simply scrumptious. This is my family recipe for ox tail stew. There are no real measurements, you just add more or less depending on how many people will be eating that day."


Ox Tail (make sure it’s cut into individual pieces)
Chicken Stock
Green plantain (Do not peel or chop the plantain until the moment you’re putting it in the stew)
Scallion (1 stalk)
Potato (chopped)
Yucca  (chopped)
Pumpkin (chopped, skinned and seeded)


Put the ox tail in the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Cook for an hour (if you don’t have chicken stock, use water).
Add the plantain and corn, cook for 1/2 hour.
Add the potato and pumpkin (calabaza), cook for 1/2 hour.
Add the yucca (cassava), cook for 1/2 hour.
Garnish with freshly chopped cilantro.
Serve with a side of white rice and a slice of avocado. You can also slice a banana and add to the soup. It may sounds weird, but is really delicious.
Ox Tail Stew

Story by Roger Edison, Photos provided by Friends Eat: 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ESSAY Contest Winner - Heads to Chuckwagon Cooking School

Jessica Probert
Story by Roger Edison

Kent and Shannon Rollins operate one of the most unique, as well, one of a kind culinary schools in the nation. Each spring and fall, they hold their semi annual Chuck Wagon Cooking School at the Red River Ranch in Byers, Texas. The school teaches students the culinary art of cowboy cooking using cast iron dutch ovens, all in an authentic setting working from a restored 1876 Studebaker wagon. Sourdough biscuits, baking pie crust and brewing up that rich taste of strong cowboy coffee are all part of Kent's school where cooks learn how to cook just as they did for the wranglers who herded cattle along the trail drives over 140 years ago. 

Kent's accomplishments for his culinary talent has earned him numerous awards including the uncontested title as the Official Chuck Wagon Cook of Oklahoma, given to him by the Oklahoma state Governor. He also won the Chuck wagon Cook-Off Championship at the National Cowboy Symposium Celebration held in Lubbock, Texas and the Will Rogers Award for Chuck Wagon of the Year by the Academy of Western Artists. Featured on QVC, PBS, The Food Network's "Roker on the Road" and "Throw-Down with Bobby Flay." Kent entertains with a passion as both a modern day cowboy, story teller and one of the nations finest cooks. 

Recently, the Rollins offered a Contest for a scholarship to attend their cooking school. The rules were simple. Submit a 500 word essay explaining, "Why you want to attend Chuck Wagon Cooking School." Within days of posting the contest, Essay's from contestants flooded the Red River Ranch Chuck Wagon mail from across the nation.

Filtering through all the entries, they sorted each into piles. As Kent and Sharron searched for the finalist, it wasn't difficult deciding the winner after reading an entry submitted by Jessica Probert of Vale, Oregon. 

“When college age kids reach the last few semesters of their schooling they start hinting to their parents about wanting cars and such as graduation gifts. I asked my parents for a chuck wagon. I attend culinary school in Idaho, but one skill they fail to teach are Dutch oven and cowboy cooking.” 

Jessica is a true cowgirl who currently works ranching while attending school where she recently transferred into the Culinary Arts program with College of Western Idaho located in Nampa, ID. She had previously been working towards a major in Early Childhood Development and Education just under three years at the University of Idaho when she realized her love of the western lifestyle and cooking is her dream. Jessica stated, "I decided that I just couldn't be a teacher for the rest of my life and wanted to perform a career I already enjoy doing."

Her parents, Dan and Suzy Probert, own and operate the P-Ranch of Vale, Oregon. Although, Jessica explains not the historic P-Ranch once owned by Peter French listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Dan Probert, originally from Enterprise, Oregon and Suzy is from San Juan Bautista, California where both grew up in a ranch environment. Twelve years ago, the couple move to Vale where today live on their Ranch working out of the office as Country Natural Beef runs the ranch.

"I have a huge passion for horses; it’s been passed down through my family," explains Jessica. Continuing, "My dad taught my brother Russell, who is currently 18 years old and myself, everything we know. I have been involved in rodeo for as long as I can remember and definitely love ranch rodeos. Team branding is my favorite event."

Jessica was also her hometown former Miss Rodeo Queen and has participate in many Rodeo events, entering Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Breakaway Roping, Goat Tying and Team Roping. In High School, Jessica devoted her energy towards Team Roping along with her brother Russel qualifying for the Idaho High School State Finals in the Team Roping event. Both Jessica and her brother Russel are avid ropers and both raise the own Corriente Cattle with Hat Rack Cattle Company. 

Humble about her strong equestrian skills, Jessica brags about her brother Russel. "While we also both started out our own colts on the ranch, Russel just moved to California to attend college. He also works starting colts with cutting and reining. As much as it bugs me to admit, he is an amazing horseman who started and trained both my team roping horses. He also trained many of the other horses on my parents ranch. I am very proud of him."
"I have two goals," states Jessica. "First, I want to buy a chuckwagon so I can one day cater during the branding season of the ranch round-up. Brandings are always the best time of the year. For as long as I can remember, my mom has always stayed home making the needed meals during the spring brandings. Last year, we were so busy around the ranch with branding season, the ranch hired a Mexican restaurant to cater for the crew." 

"Second, I want to show people outside our circle of ranching, how real “cookies” fed their crews. Attending the chuck wagon school, I hope to gain as much knowledge from Kent while I am in Texas, so I can return with the extra skills and start cooking during the branding. That would help give my mother a break she well deserves," comments Jessica. 

Jessica is not only influenced by her mom when it comes to cooking but from one of her most admired cowboys, her grandfather known as Papa Jim. "My grandpa, Papa Jim, was amazing cooking his legendary pit BBQ. That's where you season the meat, then wrap in foil and place inside a wet gunny sack tied up. Then bury it in an underground pit to cook. It is absolutely the best! He taught this skill to my Uncle Jim, my Dad and also to my Aunt Carol who each now master making pit barbecue. Unfortunately, Papa Jim passed away last July. He cooked at the Joseph, Oregon Mule Days for many years and even won a buckle for being such a master pit barbecue chef. Recently, at a cousins wedding, and again at the Mule Days, my Dad, my Aunt, and Uncle cooked Papa Jim's legendary Pit Barbecue keeping his traditions alive." 

Asking Jessica what her parents thought about her getting a chuckwagon, she commented, "I think my parents thought I was joking. I think they may be coming around to the fact that I am serious about getting a chuckwagon and a team. When I told them I had won the essay contest and was going to be headed to Texas in March, their reaction and looks were priceless. They both are extremely supportive of everything I decide to pursue in life." 

Jessica confesses, she loves the food channel and while her favorite television show is CHOP, she enjoys viewing the many cuisines, ideas and techniques shown on the many shows. Jessica will attend Kent Rollins Chuck Wagon Cooking School at the end of March 2012 just in time to take her new skills home to Oregon in time to treat the cowboys to some wholesome food during this years brandings. For more information about the Chuck Wagon Cooking School, contact Red River Ranch at

Jessica working Branding Season
Jessica Probert Miss Rodeo

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Cowboys for Heroes" Chuckwagons aid Fort Sam Houston

Cowboys for Heroes
Story by Roger Edison

The Chuck wagons are making ready for the 7th annual "Cowboys for Heroes" as they roll into San Antonio, Texas to support and honor the wounded warriors on Saturday, March 31, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Fort Sam Houston Equestrian Center. There will be Charro demonstrations, Mutton busting, western entertainment, live music, along with great food provided by the Chuckwagon cooks that will be firing up their spits over the open fires feeding the wounded warriors of our American Armed Forces, their family members and patrons of the (MWR) Morale, Welfare and Recreation program for members of the Armed Forces.  

Colloquially known as "Fort Sam," it is named for the first President of the Republic of Texas,   Sam Houston.   The fort was founded in 1876 when construction finally began, though the U.S. Army attempted to secure an establishment of a permanent installation occupying the Alamo as early as 1846.  During the Mexican-America War the United States Army established a quartermaster depot at San Antonio and a training camp at San Pedro Springs.  By 1849 San Antonio was named headquarters of the United States Army Eighth Military District. At the end of World War II, the Army decided to make Fort Sam Houston the principal medical training facility.  Military Medical Training is provided by numerous elements,  including METC, AMEDD Center and School, Brooke Army Medical Center, US Army Institute of Surgical Research, The Center for Battlefield Health and Trauma, Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute, as well as many smaller organizations.  In 2011, The US Navy and Air Force medical training departments also alined joining with the US Army training under one roof.  Fort Sam Houston is the Army's largest and most important Military Medical post in the world. 

Charro Performances include internationally known Gerardo 'Jerry' Diaz.  A fourth generation charro who continues traditions that originated with his great grandfather over 150 years ago. Jerry, who makes his home in New Braunfels, Texas, operates Three Mile Creek Ranch, a 50-acre horse operation in addition to performing his horsemanship skills.  The Charro is different from Vaqueros, Ranchero , Cowboys and Rancher from their etiquette, mannerism, clothing, tradition and social status.  The traditional Charro is known for their colorful clothing and participating in coleadero y charreada, a specific type of Mexican rodeo. 

Aubrey Lenamon, with Chuck Wagons for Christ, is the event coordinator assisting  putting together this event "Cowboys for Heroes."   In their seventh year, he recruits approximately ten chuckwagons from across the nation to support in the wounded warrior project.  Additionally, each year, needing to raise around $20,000 to fund the non-profit event,  Aubrey reallies on sponsors willing to give back to those who have made such a huge sacrifice for our nation and our freedoms.  

Aubrey,  who goes by Arb for short,  spent his life working in the oil fields.  When most are retiring to golf or fishing,  Arb's life fell to pieces.  His marriage of 35 years came to a sudden end along with his career. If that wasn't enough, his health turn finding him at the doctors office more frequently.  Although, Arb wasn't giving up. He turned towards his life passions which changed his life.  Arb has always had a strong faith in God, loved being a cowboy and a strong patriot.  When many men are put to pasture in their late fifties, Arb put his passions to work heading up the non-profit support ministry called Chuck Wagons For Christ to promote the cowboy culture while serving the Lord.  
Aubrey Lenamon, with Chuck Wagons for Christ
Interviewed last year by military journalist Minnie Jones, Arb commented, "It was very humbling to have the opportunity to talk with those in recovery and see what the horrors of war can do to a person. I am amazed at the positive attitudes, they (the wounded warriors) have. I talked to one young lady who had lost a leg. She had such a great attitude that it brought tears to my eyes. She wasn't letting a thing like that slow her down. That young lady is going to do well in life. That's a testimony of what great work the Army and MWR are doing here at Fort Sam." 

DEEP FORK CATTLE COMPANY  are among the many Chuckwagons joining Arb to assist "Cowboys for Heroes." Owned and operated by David and Sherry Roberts, they reside in Chandler, Oklahoma who have made this trip several times and also assist Cowboy ministries.  Last year they were assisted by James and Donna Martin who worked as part of the DEEP FORK CATTLE COMPANY chuck wagon crew. David and Sherry travel with their wagon competing in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.

4 BUCKS CHUCK WAGON of Lavernia, Texas is owned and operated by Chris and Cody Buck. Their chuckwagon manufactured by the Weber Wagon Company is well over 100 years old. Chris does custom leather work from western horse tack to fashion, guns cases or rodeo chaps. They also cater in the south and central Texas area often assisted by good friends Mark Voigt, Jim Bob Fleming and Tucker Fleming.

THE WISHBONE WAGON owned by Brian and Susan Frankum from Axtell, Texas have provided authentic chuckwagon catering for numerous years while also assisting mix of Cowboy ministries. Last year, the Frankum's were assisted by Bubba, Sabrina and Chelsie Carter as part of their chuckwagon crew. Susan states, the WISHBONE provides and unforgettable experience along with unforgettable taste. 

THE GOODE RANCH are husband and wife team Buster and Diane McSparran of Hamilton, Texas.  Buster states, "Chuck wagon people gather for many reasons, both social and informational. They swap stories and recipes. They mentor the newbies while admiring one another's wagon accoutrements. It's like going to a family reunion where you like all your relatives." 

THE ROCKIN 12+  owned by Nick Ploch of New Braunfels, Texas and assisted by his crew, Pinky Eiesman, David Snyder, and Kelvin Kramm.  Nick's grandfather operated a long time dairy farm operation called the Rockin 12, so when Nick began operating his Mitchell Wagon as a chuckwagon, he added the Plus sign to the brand. While the Rockin 12 Plus crew rarely takes the wagon outside of Texas and cook mostly for fun, they are some superb cowboy cooks that recently won first place in the Meat category at the Cowboy Country Round-Up held last February in Hondo, Texas. 

OUT YONDER WAGON from Weatherford, Texas is owned by Gary Pool.  His original 1870's Bain wagon has been used in many Chuckwagon competition with a winning reputation for Cowboy cuisine. Often catering many events from Private Parties, Wedding Rehearsal Dinners, Family Reunions, Birthday Parties or Corporate Retreats, Gary also volunteers his wagon for this worthy cause.
THE FLYING W CHUCK WAGON is owned by Gerald and Rhonda Wood from Friendswood, Texas.  Last year, the Wood's were assisted by John McVeigh, Darla Denny, Pamela Britton, Nubbin Chamblee, Karen and Faron Daigle, and Bill and Randy Brenek.  When not managing Friendswood Excavating, Gerald and Rhonda enjoy the fun of cowboy gatherings and the chuckwagon competitions.
THE FOUR C'S   Chuckwagon Cuisine Catering Company is owned and operated by Randy and Susan May of Garland, Texas. They cater throughout the Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex.  Not limited to just chuckwagon cooking, Randy is also an expert cook master the pits of Texas Barbecue, although for cowboy and western heritage events, he works from his authentic 1895 Studebaker freight wagon converted just like Charles Goodnight did when he invented the Chuckwagon.  When Randy is not cooking, he is supporting Scouting, speaking at various groups about Texas history,  or competiting in statewide Chuckwagon competitions. Also a member of the ACWA, his goal is preserving Texas history and keeping the cowboy culture alive. 

Rocking B Ranch  Owned by Larry and Donna Barr of China Grove, Texas is a late 1880's or early 1890's Studebaker wagon.  When not competing with Chuckwagon events, Larry uses the wagon hosting over six children camps per year. 

1298 Chuck Wagon and Cuisine  owned by Ervin and Gail Richards of Corsicana, Texas is used for Circle 10 Counsel of the American Boys Scouts.  The Venturing Crew 1298 was founded in February of 2000 blacksmith program is to introduce youth and adults to the art of shaping metal into useful and pleasing forms.  The group needing a means of cooking, added the 1914 International Harvester wagon converting into a fully operatioonal chuckwagon that supports scouting when not competing or supporting other fellowship programs. 

THE J BAR D  from Spring, Texas is owned by John 'JK' McKee assisted by Renea Prinz.  John enjoys repairing and restoring old wagons.  Besides cooking authentic cowboy cuisine, John enjoys taking his chuckwagon to the road hitched to his team of mules for parades.
J Bar D photo courtesy John McKee 
THE ROCKING T CHUCK WAGON Owners Lonnie and Barbara Tegeler are well seasoned cooks with their 100 year old family owned chuckwagon. The wagon was used by Lonnie's grandfather hauling grain at the turn of the 20th century. Retiring in the 1950's, the wagon remained stored in the barn until Lonnie pulled it out and restored converting it into a chuckwagon. While the wagon today has been enjoyed by five generations of the Tegeler family, it also was recently were featured on the Food Network Special from the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Barbare Tegeler was defending her previous Champion Apricot Cobbler. The Rocking T Chuckwagon competes in chuckwagon cooking events through out Texas and the Southwest while providing genuine cowboy cooking for private events. Lonnie is also member and former President of the American Chuck Wagon Association.

TMT CATTLE COMPANY owned by Shirley Richardson of Bryson, Texas and family members Teresa Mae Lawson and Allen Lawson of Jacksboro, Texas enjoy competing, catering and using their wagon with ministries.

THE ELLIS CATTLE COMPANY  is owned by Charlie and Janice Ellis of Papalote, Texas. Often assisted by Pastor David Parks of  Goliad Trail Head Cowboy Church and his wife Shelley.  Charlie's wagon is a converted turn of the century 1900 John Deere Wagon. His wagon also has a front storage in addition to the the chuck box and boot that folds down for easy access. Annually Charlie and his wife supports the King Ranch-Ranch hand breakfast when not catering throughout south Texas or competing.
The Ellis Cattle Company,  David Parks, Charlie Ellis, Shelly and Janice
Part of the entertainment includes several bands performing music and cowboy poets. Buck Helton, of Dallas, Texas  is a master of Cowboyology that will also perform with his acts from story telling, singing, with his rootin, tootin, six-gun shootin, yodeling cowboy voice and larger than life personality.  

Through the "COWBOYS for HEROES" the wounded warriors, (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen or Marines) along with their families really get to enjoy the events, crafts, entertainment along with superb Chuckwagon cooking.  Additionally, receiving a warm Texas hospitality' that is unique to San Antonio.  It is through the strong partnership between the San Antonio community with Fort Sam Houston along with the many volunteers and sponsorships help make this event happen.   To assist or provide support for "Cowboys for Heroes" contact Aubrey Lenamon email on how you can contribute. 

        Buck Helton

Gerardo 'Jerry' Diaz

Friday, March 9, 2012


Bill White of Wilmington, North Carolina is the founder and president of a 501(c)3 public charity called "The Easy Does It Ranch." Established over ten years ago, the sole purpose of the ranch is to enhance the recovery possibilities of teenagers age 12 through 19 old who have grown up in an alcohol and drug addicted family or as a teen, suffer from substance abuse themselves.  

"The ranch provides summer camps where youth can experience a cowboy adventure where each participant has the opportunity to take on responsibility, learn leadership skills, the value of hard work, discipline, while still having lots of fun," states Bill as he continued, "The combination of being responsible for animals, working ranch chores and the 12 step recovery meetings in the romantic environment of the Old West helps build a good foundation for the newcomer and greatly enhance the teens recovery and life."

Bill was introduced first hand to a cowboys life in 1996 when he went out west working a cattle drive between New Mexico and Southern Colorado.  He learn to camp cook and was hooked ever since. Several years in a roll, he return to help cook during the large round ups witnessing a change in the city slickers who participated.

Incorporating in 2000, it took two additional years before the Easy Does It Ranch held their first summer camp. Ten teenagers from  the Raleigh, and Cary, North Carolina area attended a one week camp. Since, the camps have grown with teens coming from Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and the Washington DC area.  

Since the camp needed a means to prepare and serve meals, what better way to accomplish this than how they did it on the trails.  Bill purchased a beat down farm wagon converting it into a fully functional Chuckwagon.  Bill stripped the wagon down to it's running gear of wheels an axles.  After a full month of rebuilding and restoring, that wagon was ready to add the other gear to finish the project.  A local cabinet builder helped build the chuckbox, using plans which Bill obtained through Hansen Wheel and Wagon Company.   Piecing items needed to complete the wagon,  Bill located the wagon bows through John Stewart in Tennessee who has an on-line web page,  and the canvas top and fly through Edwards Canvas Inc. located in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. The wagon was finish and put to use for the next decade of use.  

Bill White, Easy Does it Ranch
Last April, Bill was going to replace the wagon. He had planned to travel out to Colorado where a friend had a wagon on extremely good running gear that he could build back up.  At the last minute, he received a phone call from a friend telling him about a guy two hours away having 20 wagons for sell. Before Bills trip to Colorado, he decided to investigate what the man had to offer. Arriving, most of the wagons had been sold, but Bill was able to find one for $500 and remove the other items of his existing wagon and place them on the new frame.
"Most people think this is a Hackney wagon," states Bill.  

The Hackney roots date back to 1854 when Willis Napoleon Hackney became partner in a carriage shop in Wilson, NC.   Son's George and W. D. Hackney, incorporated Hackney Wagon Company in 1903. George Hackney was also president of Hackney Brothers, the company that traced its roots to Willis Hackney’s carriage shop. With the earlier business focused on carriages and buggies, the 1903 venture was set up to manufacture farm and delivery wagons. It became known as the “wagon company” while Hackney Brothers was the “carriage company.” The wagon company’s primary competitors were Nissen in Winston-Salem and Piedmont in Hickory, NC.   "This one has the 5th wheel front end so I think it is newer than the previous wagon. I would say both are early 1900-1920, possible even later" states Bill.  The Hackney Wagon Company continue to build wagons and farm equipment until 1942 although suffered bankruptcy in 1930. The business reformed and today operates under Hackney and Sons, building truck bodies in Washington, North Carolina.  

Trail ride
Along with learning how to prepare great meals from cast iron dutch ovens and working from a chuckwagon, the teens also learn how to care, groom and maintain for the horses at the ranch. They first learn about the animal, their needs for food, water, then how to use and remove the necessary riding tack. Each teen is then assign a horse which they will care for during the week stay.  Normally after lunch, then the teens groom the horse, saddle up and head for the trails on the ranch with supervision and support riders.  Checks are made ensuring proper saddling, fit and matching skill of horsemanship with each horse. 

A typical day begins at 6:30 AM as the teens head to the barn for wrangler duty. Once feeding their assign horse, filling the water trough and mucking the stall, they quickly clean up and sit down to breakfast at the Chuckwagon.  After eating and cleaning up, the teens sit down to a meeting of the "12 Steps."  By 10:00 AM they head to the barn and saddle up for the trail followed by lunch at noon, additional riding until 3:30 PM when each teen, cleans, grooms, inspect hoofs and cares for their horse before turning out or placing back into stalls. Then it's time for each teen to personally clean up with showers before the evening dinner held at 7:00 PM  and aloud free time until 9:00PM when they have a speaker.  Upon the meeting completion, teens are release to there cabins and lights out at 10:00 PM.  

The week remains the same rotating wranglers to chuckwagon duty. As the assistant cook, they rustle wood, help in the camp kitchen, prepping and preparing meals and cleaning up. Friday, they perform a range rodeo consisting of three events, Musical hay stacks, water to a dying man, and calf roping on a straw calf.  The winner is presented an awarded of Rodeo Champ during Saturday's awards presentation. Friday Night concludes with a trail party and talent show. 

"Each camper is proclaimed a Drover for the Ranch and given a plaque with a picture of them and their horse. We also give awards for Top Wrangler chosen by the barn staff, Rough Rider Award chosen by the Trail Guides, and Top Hand chosen by myself and the adult sponsors that come with the kids," Bill explained.   "Top Hands are invited to be the Ramrod for a week the next year.  The Ramrod is responsible to oversee that everyone is where they are supposed to be and on time.  We have had good success keeping them in school graduating and attending some form of higher education," states Bill.   

The kids we serve are all in recovery groups in or around their home towns. The recovery program they follow is that of Alcoholics Anonymous as adapted for the children of drunk or addicted parents. Their program is called Al-ateen/Al-anon which is for spouses of alcoholics and addicts. The twelve steps are the actual program of recovery they follow.

Bill White frequently caters western events to raise money for the non profit program assisting these teens. For more information about "Easy Does It Ranch" whether attending this summer's schedule or submitting donations, contact

 Twelve Steps as published by Alcoholics Anonymous:

  1. Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable
  2. Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
  3. Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God
  4. Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
  5. Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs
  6. Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
  7. Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings
  8. Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all
  9. Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others
  10. Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it
  11. Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out
  12. Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs
 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international mutual aid movement which was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith (Bill W. and Dr. Bob) in Akron, Ohio. AA says its "primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety".  With other early members, Wilson and Smith developed AA's Twelve Step program of spiritual and character development.  AA's Twelve Traditions were introduced in 1946 to help AA stay unified and grow. The Traditions recommend that members and groups remain anonymous in public media, altruistically help other alcoholics and include all who wish to stop drinking Today, these step have been added to many other groups with addictions.  

For information about al-anon family groups contact

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released; Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States, more than tobacco and illicit drugs. Although drinking by persons under the age of 21 is illegal, people aged 12 to 20 years drink 11% of all alcohol consumed in the United States. More than 90% of this alcohol is consumed in the form of binge drinks. On average, underage drinkers consume more drinks per drinking occasion than adult drinkers. In 2008, there were approximately 190,000 emergency rooms visits by persons under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol.
Lanterns always providing a guiding light to teens
                                                 EASY DOES IT RANCH

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Saddle Up - Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Photo courtesy  Sharon Keller Rollins, Red River Ranch

Listed as Tennessee's top twenty best tourist events, Pigeon Forge "Saddle-Up Buckaroo Round Up" rope's in huge crowds during the four day Cowboy celebration.  Old Glory flew proudly under the blue sky in the heart of the Tennessee Smoky Mountains. The chuckwagons rolled in from across the nation for the 12th annual "Saddle Up" that featured western music, cowboy poetry and some exquisite cowboy cooking.  Named after the Iron Forge invented by Isaac Love around 1820, the community rest along the Little Pigeon River so named after the once massive amounts of Passenger Pigeons that frequented the banks at the time of the first Euro-American settlers. 

Kent Rollins, of Red River Ranch perform acts of Cowboy poetry and also fired up his griddles for some sizzling steak dinners during  performances at Mama's Farmhouse Restaurant which featured Montana singer/songwriter Stephanie Davis. An additional show held at Partridge and Pear restaurant with a four course family dinner featured performances by newest member of the Western Music Association Hall of Fame, R.W. Hampton. Other performances during the four day event included the Saddle Cats, Cowboy Celtic, Ray Doyle, Andy Nelson, Chuck Pyle and youth performance by Cal Farley. 

The Pigeon Forge Hospitality Association sponsored the competing chuckwagon's selling lunch tickets for $10 raising money for local area charities during the Saturday event held at Clabough’s Campground. The chuckwagon cooks competed for the bragging rights as "Best wagon."  Awards are given for each food category; Meats, Beans, Potatoes, Bread, Corn bread and Desserts. Strict guidelines require cooks to prepare these meals just as they did over 130 years ago as the Cowboys moves cattle north to market and the chuckwagon was home on the range. 

Photo by Bart Saucier
Bart Saucier from Chapel Hill, Tennessee, wanted to witness first hand this authentic set up provided by each chuckwagon team.  Bart is also restoring his own personal Chuckwagon where this hands on experience, aloud for him to take note of the many particular details of each wagon while he watched the ole cowboy cooks work using their huge cast iron dutch ovens as they prepared the wholesome lunch.

Each chuckwagon is a traveling museum ranging in price averaging over $20,000 once fully outfitted.   Historical items include an array of cooking gear from late 19th century. Items like a mounted Parker Coffee grinder to heavy bone saws and meat cleavers decorate the side of chuck boxes. Giant 14 to 16 inch cast iron dutch ovens rest over coals as large coffee kettle and bean pots hang from the fire spit. The displays also includes a variety of cowboy personal gear, saddles, bedrolls, tent, farrier equipment, tools, hames and harness. Every item needed to complete a trail drive is carried on the wagon including extra wood stored underneath in a draped hide or canvas called the possum belly. Proud of their displays, each owner enjoys sharing the heritage as they answer questions about their wagon and the history of a majestic past.

Troy and Cindy Reddick
Skillet and Spurs is owned and operated by Troy and Cindy Reddick of Vidalia, Georgia. Troy started camp cooking using cast iron dutch ovens over 25 years ago during hunting, fishing and camping excursions during his college days at Georgia Southern University. Cindy is a professional home decorator and retail shop owner of  "Accessorize it". Four years ago, the couple added the chuckwagon to their professional catering business.  The Pigeon Forge Cook-Off was their first competition where their seasoned cooking experience paid off. "We are just now starting to meet other 'cookies. So far, its been an amazing experience and we can't wait to meet some of the folks out west," stated Troy.  For information about Chuckwagon catering in the Georgia area, check out their web site

Lexie Dean Ramblin'Rose
Ramblin’ Rose Chuck Wagon operated by Lexie Dean and his wife Kathy are season competitors from Greenville, North Carolina.  Dressed in his fashionable top hat with a feather, Lexie takes the rugged look of the camp cook on the cattle drive. His wagon, is a family heirloom first used as a farm wagon built by Fish Brothers Wagon Company of Racine, Wisconsin in 1868.  Fish brothers bought out Daniel Bull interest in the former Fish and Bull business, changing the name to FISH Brothers just two years before Lexies wagon was built. He added the additional items to convert the wagon into a functional chuckwagon.  While mesquite is the popular wood for Texas, Lexie uses hickory because it's easy to monitor and control temperature. Burning down a third cord of wood before even beginning his baking, Lexie ensures he has plenty of coals to cover the dozen "Dutch ovens" he'll use making the competitive meal able to provide 50 servings in each category.

The Buckaroo Roundup also included a mechanical bull to test your rodeo skills, lasso lessons and branding demonstrations.  Kent Rollins of the Red River Ranch, provided chuckwagon samplings during the four day event along with his storytelling. Kent, who has been filmed by the Food Network Television show "Throwdown with Bobby Flay, Chicken Fried Steak." was named the Official Chuck Wagon Cook of Oklahoma, by its Governor. He also has won the Lubbock, Texas Chuck Wagon Cook Off and the Will Rogers Award for Chuck Wagon of the Year by the Academy of Western Artists and not part of the competition of the event. Kent recently authored his cook-book titled, "On the Trail and In the Kitchen" available on line at his web site  His stories were the gilt-edge of the cattle drives keeping the audience well entertained. 

Other chuckwagon teams participating in the competitive event were Double X Ranch, Fairplay Cattle Company from Winston, Georgia and Grumpy's Grub.  The five teams rounded out samplings for the judges as they served up the savory Chicken friend steak, sawmill gravy, bread, potatoes, beans, cornbread,  and desserts.  

MEAT: 1st Skillet and Spurs, 2nd Grumpy's Grub, 3rd Ramblin' Rose
BEANS: 1st Grumpy's Grub, 2nd Double X, 3rd Ramblin' Rose
BREAD: 1st Ramblin' Rose, 2nd Grumpy's Grub, 3rd Fairplay Cattle Co.
POTATOES: 1st Ramblin' Rose, 2nd Grumpy's Grub, 3rd Fairplay
DESSERT: 1st Ramblin' Rose, 2nd Skillet & Spurs, 3rd Grumpy's Grub
CORNBREAD: 1st Ramblin' Rose, 2nd Fairplay, 3rd Double X
WAGON: 1st Grumpy's Grub, 2nd Ramblin' Rose, 3rd Fairplay
OVERALL: 1st Ramblin' Rose, 2nd Grumpy's Grub
Photo courtesy Sister's on the Fly
New to the Saddle-Up event this year was a display of over 30 interesting camper trailers that are part of  the "Cowgirl Caravan." The group is a national women's organization called  Sister's on the Fly and travel through many areas of the United States with their array of travel trailers. Ranging in sizes from 12 to 24 feet long, many trailers are decorated in a Cowgirl theme.  Some campers are newer models but many reflect the nostalgic airstream  traveling of the 1950 styles.   
As the sun set over the chuckwagon camp fires, the attention was turn towards the stage for country music and a night of dancing the Dosey Doe, swing steps and line dancing. Sunday concluded the Saddle Up event with a hearty cowboy breakfast  followed by Cowboy Church services before the cowboys rode off into the sunset.    For more information about Pigeon Forge, Tennessee


For more information about other Chuck Wagon Competitions, check out the 

Chuck Wagon photo courtesy Bart Saucier
Double X Ranch Chuck Wagon, Photo Courtesy Sharon Keller Rollins

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Special thank you to Bart Saucier, Sharon Keller Rollins, My Pigeon Forge, Troy and Cindy Reddick, Lexie Dean and those who volunteered or sponsor Saddle Up.  Additionally, the American Chuck Wagon Association which helps preserve the western heritage and the chuck wagon.