
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

South Texas wild Turkeys

Cowboys and Chuckwagon Cooking would like to wish each and everyone a happy and joyful Thanksgiving. This special holiday is primarily celebrated in the United States and Canada. Our Canadian neighbors celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of October while in the United States, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.  President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the national holiday official since 1863, although the sharing of this great feast traces its origins to a 1621 celebration at Plymouth in present-day Massachusetts.

While we will be celebrating with many of our own traditional customs, it is exciting to gather among our friends and family during this time at the end of harvest season. It is sincerely a time to count our blessings through the year and remember those who are far from home. Of those in our family are two nephews, one who is serving with the US Navy and recently returned from Afghanistan. The other currently finishing basic training with the US Marine Corp. I also have my daughter and son in law in my prayers who are spending the blessed celebration in California.  Additionally, I have each of you in our prayers for a safe and special day of thanks.

Some additional exciting news. Cowboys and Chuckwagon Cooking has now official been hit a quarter million times. We hope to double this reading in 2012 and continue bringing exciting stories, recipes and historical information for the west. In behalf of my family here in South Texas, Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.

Thankgiving, It's a Family Tradition

What to do with Turkey Left-Overs

Jerrett Kramer
Hunting Wild Turkey is exciting for those who hunt. My nephew Jerrett bagged this Turkey and I can only guess the true weight on how big the gobbler was because it does look much bigger than my 25 pound butter ball. Jerrett is an advent hunter and fisherman which I am proud to call family.

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