
Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Young Cowboy Cook

Austin Edison wins Best in Show, photo by Mishell Lynch
Austin Edison of Corpus Christi, Texas is a 14 year old Chuckwagon Cook enthusiast who participated in the February 25th,  Third annual  "Cowboy Country Roundup" held in Hondo, Texas.  The Round Up raises money that supports scholarships to the D’Hanis Independent School District.   

Austin, entered the Youth baking Division for competitors 18 years and under.  The baking event also included an Adult division for over 18 years of age.  Entry Categories included breads, fast breads, candy, cookies, pies and cakes with awards for first through third place in each division along with one best in each category between the youth and the adults. Additionally, a final item Best in Show is selected from the over all best entry selected by the judges.  

Austin submitted entries in three of the six categories along with his recipe. Items included Candy – (Cowboy Peanut Brittle with a Kick), Cookies – (Best Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies) and Breads – (Rustic Parmesan Basil Artesian Bread).  Each entry won first place award over dozens of other entries, also earning “Best in Category” awarded to both his Candy and Cookie entries along with the “Best in Show” with his bread entry.  Ribbons were awarded along with a gift certificate from H.E.B. Grocers.

While many 14 year old boys are far from interested in cooking, Austin has been honing his culinary skills since he was first introduce to the chuck wagons which demonstrate annually at the King Ranch Hand Breakfast.  “Cowboys ate a great deal of beans and biscuits during the trail drive, while the cook worked from the Chuck wagon.  He used cast iron skillets and Dutch Ovens to prepare meals over open fires which is not as simply or convenient as having a home kitchen,” states Austin.  

Austin Edison at King Ranch

Austin volunteers each year at King Ranch since he was first introduce to cowboy cooking and meeting Daniel "Danny" Canales and Pete Garcia of the Cosineros Del Campo Chuck wagon  at the Ranch Hand Breakfast, he has learned the art of using cast iron dutch ovens to prepare meals over an open camp fire and placing coals above and below the dutch ovens. 

Austin already plans to enter Pan De Campo in next year's Hondo event.  Pan De Campo, a flat bread that cooks in a short time was frequently served to the working cowboys on the cattle drives and is also the Official State Bread of Texas.  Recently, Austin also had the opportunity to bake and served Governor Rick Perry during the Governor's March 31st visit to King Ranch.  
Rustic Parmesan Basil Artesian Bread
HEB GIFT CARD award to Austin, Edison  Photo by Mishell Lynch
Recent press release  The Chuck Wagon Kid   by Mike Beard, Caller Times Newspaper:  

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